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Cross-Country Journeys: Dogs Adopted Over Long Distances

Hitting the Open Road with Your Furry Companion

When the wanderlust hits, it hits hard. And for many of us, that includes our canine companions. After all, dogs are man’s best friend – so why wouldn’t we want them by our side as we embark on cross-country adventures?

I learned this firsthand a few years back when my brother Elias, also known as The Dogist, and I hit the road with a Puerto Rican puppy named Finn. We were just meant to be his foster family, but by the time we made it to California, Finn and I were inseparable. And thus, @KeepingFinn was born.

Since then, Finn and I have embraced the #vanlife, traveling the country in search of new horizons – and to raise awareness and funds for rescue dogs like Finn along the way. It’s been a wild ride, but one thing’s for sure: Adopting dogs over long distances can be an incredibly rewarding experience.

The Joy (and Challenges) of Cross-Country Canine Companions

When I left New York City a few years back, I was looking for an adventure. So I bought a van, converted the inside into a cozy home on wheels, and hit the road. What started as an aimless experiment quickly turned into a life-changing pursuit of adventure and purpose, all centered around dogs and animal welfare.

Finn and I have raised over $300,000 for animal rescue organizations across the country. We’ve helped facilitate the adoption of over 100 animals. And we’ve been able to share the powerful stories of the incredible people and organizations working tirelessly to save our canine companions.

But it hasn’t all been smooth sailing. Fostering dogs in a van can be a lot of work. Finn had a pretty traumatic start to life, and transitioning him to our new nomadic lifestyle was no easy feat. There were plenty of sleepless nights, unexpected messes, and heart-pounding moments when I thought I might lose him.

Still, the rewards have far outweighed the challenges. Watching Finn blossom from a scared, timid pup into a confident, adventurous explorer has been nothing short of magical. And I know our journey has inspired others to open their hearts and homes to rescue dogs in need.

The Power of Storytelling and Community

I think our journey with Finn reveals the true power of storytelling and community to drive impact and awareness for a cause. When I left the city, I had no idea the profound effect our adventures would have, both on our own lives and on the lives of the animals we’ve encountered along the way.

Most people only know the rescue organization that their dog came from, or the one around the corner from their house. So we make it a point to showcase and support the organizations that are doing something truly unique and special – like those working with senior dogs, special needs pups, or in underserved communities.

These frontline rescues are particularly compelling on social media, because they engage people on an emotional level. And when we do a great job of telling their stories, we can compel people to support our cause and help those organizations do their vital work.

That’s why Instagram has been such an incredible platform for us. It allows us to share the highs and lows of our journey, to celebrate the rescues and adoptions we’ve been a part of, and to shine a light on the unsung heroes of animal welfare. And it’s all been in service of our mission: to use the power of storytelling to drive awareness and funding for rescue dogs in need.

Finding the Furry Four-Legged Companions of Our Dreams

Of course, no cross-country adventure would be complete without a few furry co-pilots. And for us, fostering dogs has been one of the most rewarding parts of the journey.

Most of the pups we’ve welcomed into our van have come from pretty traumatic beginnings. But watching them transform and blossom as they experience new sights, sounds, and smells has been truly life-changing. They learn from our dogs, they grow and change in incredible ways, and then we get to find them their forever homes.

It’s a reminder of why this work is so impactful – we’re not just helping dogs, we’re helping people and families as well. Seeing the joy on the faces of the adopters when they meet their new furry friend for the first time never gets old.

And as our monthly donations continue to grow (we’re currently over $20,000 per month!), we’re excited to take on even bigger and more impactful projects. Who knows, maybe one day we’ll even start our own animal welfare organization, where we can help rescue dogs in our own special way.

But for now, we’re just focused on continuing to use our platform to shine a light on the incredible work being done by rescue organizations across the country. Because at the end of the day, that’s what it’s all about – using our story to make a real difference in the lives of our four-legged friends.

So if you’re considering embarking on your own cross-country journey with a canine companion, I say go for it! It might not always be easy, but the rewards are truly unmatched. Just be sure to stock up on pet-friendly accommodations, doggie snacks, and plenty of squeaky toys. After all, dogs have a way of making any adventure better.

Happy trails, my furry friends!

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