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Signs Your Dog Needs More Exercise

Is Your Pup Practically Bouncing Off the Walls?

You know the feeling – you come home from a long day at work, ready to relax on the couch, only to be greeted by a frenzied furball who’s practically climbing the walls. While I may not have the boundless energy of a puppy anymore, I can certainly empathize with the struggle of trying to keep up with a dog who seems to have a never-ending supply of zoomies.

If your canine companion is consistently exhibiting signs of pent-up energy, it could be an indicator that they’re not getting enough exercise. And trust me, as a self-proclaimed professional dog snuggler, I know how important it is to make sure our four-legged friends are living their best lives. That’s why I’ve done some digging to uncover the top telltale signs that your pup might need to hit the doggy treadmill (or at least go for a few more daily walks).

Destructive Behavior: The Canine Version of Redecorating

Picture this: you walk through the door, eager to greet your beloved pup, only to find that they’ve redecorated your living room – with your favorite pair of shoes. Sound familiar? Destructive behaviors like chewing, digging, and shredding are often a clear sign that your dog isn’t getting enough physical and mental stimulation.

According to the Animal Osteopathy College, these types of behaviors are your dog’s way of trying to burn off that excess energy. And let me tell you, I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with the neighborhood squirrels, so I can definitely relate to the urge to chew on something (even if it’s not my owner’s favorite pair of loafers).

Hyperactive Hijinks: When Playtime Never Ends

Have you ever noticed your pup going from zero to a hundred, seemingly out of nowhere? One minute they’re curled up peacefully on the couch, and the next, they’re bouncing off the walls like a canine version of a pinball machine. This sudden burst of energy is another telltale sign that your dog isn’t getting enough exercise.

As the experts at point out, these “hyperactive hijinks” are your dog’s way of trying to burn off that excess energy. And let me tell you, I’ve had my fair share of early morning wake-up calls from my furry alarm clock, so I know how important it is to give our pups ample opportunities to let off some steam.

Weight Gain: The Canine Version of the Freshman 15

We’ve all heard the adage “a tired dog is a good dog,” and for good reason. Just like us humans, our canine companions can pack on the pounds if they’re not getting enough physical activity. And let me tell you, I’ve had a few too many “cheat days” at the dog park, so I know how easy it is to let those extra treats and lazier days add up.

According to the experts at Dan’s Pet Care, maintaining a healthy weight is one of the key indicators that your dog is getting the exercise they need. So if you’ve noticed your pup starting to resemble a furry basketball, it might be time to lace up those walking shoes and hit the pavement (or the dog park) for some extra playtime.

Restless Nights: When Counting Sheep Just Doesn’t Cut It

We all know how important a good night’s sleep is for our own well-being, and the same goes for our canine companions. But if your pup is having trouble settling down at bedtime, it could be a sign that they’re not getting enough exercise during the day.

As the experts at explain, a restless pup who’s pacing the floor or having trouble sleeping through the night is likely trying to burn off excess energy. And let me tell you, I’ve had my fair share of late-night cuddle sessions with my furry friend, so I know how important it is to make sure they’re getting enough physical and mental stimulation during the day.

Bringing It All Together

At the end of the day, our canine companions are just like us – they need regular exercise and physical activity to stay happy, healthy, and well-adjusted. And while the specific exercise needs of each dog may vary depending on factors like breed, age, and size, it’s important to be on the lookout for those telltale signs that your pup might need a little more time to stretch their legs.

So, whether it’s taking them for an extra walk around the block, setting up an indoor obstacle course, or simply playing a rousing game of fetch, there are plenty of ways to make sure your furry friend is getting the exercise they need. And who knows, you might just find that you’re getting a little extra exercise in the process – after all, a healthy, happy dog means a healthy, happy you!

And don’t forget, if you’re ever in need of some extra help keeping your pup active and engaged, the team at I Have Dogs is always here to lend a hand (or a leash). From dog walking and training to daycare and grooming, we’re dedicated to helping you and your four-legged friend live your best lives. So why not give us a call and let us help you plan the ultimate doggy fitness routine?

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