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How to Keep Dogs Cool Outside: Sprinklers, Pools, and More

How to Keep Dogs Cool Outside: Sprinklers, Pools, and More

As a lifelong dog mom, I can’t get enough of the summer months. The warm sunshine, lush greenery, and endless outdoor adventures make my heart flutter with excitement. But, let’s be real – those hot and humid dog days can be a total nightmare for our furry friends if we’re not careful.

Growing up, my mom and I would spend hours searching every nook and cranny of Walmart, hunting for the perfect plastic kiddie pool to set up in the backyard. And let me tell you, my pups went absolutely bonkers over those little splash zones! We’d crank up the Crazy Daisy sprinkler and let them run wild, tongues hanging out and tails wagging a mile a minute. Those were the days, my friends.

Now that I’m all grown up, I still love spending my summers outdoors with my dogs, but I’ve definitely upgraded our outdoor playtime game. One of my favorite brands, BigMouth, recently launched an incredible pet line filled with all the essentials for keeping our canine companions cool and entertained. From durable dog pools to sprinkler-equipped tennis balls, these products have been absolute lifesavers during the dog days of summer.

So, if you’re on the hunt for ways to help your pup beat the heat and make the most of the sunshine, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s dive in (pun intended) and explore all the cool ways to keep your dog comfortable and content this summer.

Doggy Pools: The Ideal Backyard Oasis

Growing up, those plastic Walmart pools were a total game-changer for my dogs. They provided endless hours of splashing, paddling, and overall canine bliss. But, let’s be real – those things weren’t exactly built to last. After a while, the harsh summer sun would do a number on them, leaving us to fork over more cash for a replacement.

Thankfully, the pet experts at BigMouth have solved that problem with their durable dog splash pool. Made from puncture-resistant PVC material, this baby is designed to withstand the scratches, bites, and antics of even the most enthusiastic water-loving pups. And the best part? It folds up for super easy storage when the summer fun is done.

Now, I don’t know about your dogs, but mine can be a little, shall we say, aggressive with their nail maintenance. That’s why the PVC construction of this doggy pool is such a game-changer – it’s held up amazingly well, even with my occasional forgetfulness when it comes to trimming those sharp little talons.

When we set this pool up for my mom’s new Labrador puppy, River, she was absolutely smitten. That girl loves the water more than anything, and she was bouncing, splashing, and leaping with unbridled joy. At one point, she even started jumping off the elevated dog beds we had placed nearby, straight into the pool. I’m telling you, this pup is destined for some serious dock diving competitions in the future!

Keeping Cool in the Pool: Doggy Floats and Sprinklers

Now, as much as our pups adore a good ol’ fashioned pool party, sometimes we need to get a little more creative to keep them comfortable and entertained. That’s where the genius pet product developers at BigMouth really shine.

One of my absolute favorite additions to their lineup is the dog pool float. I mean, come on – how adorable is a fire hydrant-shaped doggy raft? And let me tell you, this thing is sturdy enough to support even the biggest of pups without any issues. The material is impressively durable, and the inflation process is a breeze, thanks to those handy-dandy black plugs that prevent any air leakage.

Of course, BigMouth offers a variety of other pool float designs, like the pineapple and donut shapes, so you can find the perfect fit for your canine companion. And if you really want to kick the fun up a notch, pair that float with their tennis ball-inspired dog water sprinkler. Seriously, is there anything more delightful than watching your pup chase after that spraying tennis ball, trying to catch the water mid-air?

I have to say, the dog water sprinkler is probably my personal favorite from this entire collection. My parent’s dog, Aiden, goes absolutely bananas whenever we break out the hose and start spraying water around the yard. So, I knew I had to get my hands on this pet sprinkler to provide him with that same level of aquatic excitement, without the constant hassle of holding the hose.

Beating the Heat with Elevated Beds and Cooling Mats

Now, as much as our furry friends love splashing around in the water, sometimes they just need a good old-fashioned cool-down session. That’s where the elevated dog beds and cooling mats from BigMouth’s pet line really shine.

These outdoor pet beds are an absolute godsend, with their removable canopies and versatile design. You can use them as shaded lounging spots, bring them inside for comfy indoor napping, or even position them near your doggy pool for the ultimate cooling station. And let me tell you, the assembly process may not be the most intuitive, but I’ve got your back with a step-by-step YouTube tutorial that’ll have you putting these beds together in no time.

But the real heroes of the heat-beating game are the cooling mats. Whether you’re looking to provide a refreshing spot for your pup to rest in the backyard or need a way to keep them comfortable during long car rides, these pressure-activated mats are a total lifesaver. No need for refrigeration or electricity – just let your dog’s body weight do the work, and watch as they melt into a state of blissful cool-down.

Staying Safe and Hydrated in the Summer Sun

As much as we love letting our pups run wild and free in the great outdoors, it’s crucial that we keep a close eye on them during these hot summer months. Heatstroke and dehydration are very real dangers, and we’ve got to be proactive in keeping our furry friends safe and comfortable.

One of the most important things to remember is to always have plenty of fresh, cool water available. Invest in a collapsible water bowl or a dog-specific water bottle, and make sure to refill those bowls regularly throughout the day. And if your pup is a bit of a water-guzzling enthusiast, try tossing some ice cubes in there to slow down their consumption and prevent any potential issues.

Speaking of ice, did you know you can make your own frozen dog treats to help beat the heat? It’s as simple as mixing up your pup’s favorite flavors – think peanut butter, banana, or even a little low-sodium chicken broth – and popping them in the freezer. Trust me, your dog will be over the moon when you serve up one of those icy delights after a rousing game of fetch.

And let’s not forget about sun protection! Just like us humans, our canine companions can fall victim to painful sunburns and even skin cancer if we’re not careful. Make sure to apply a dog-safe sunscreen to any exposed areas, especially on those light-colored or short-haired pups. And if you really want to keep your pup’s delicate skin shielded, invest in some UV-blocking pet clothes or goggles.

Creating the Ultimate Backyard Oasis

At the end of the day, keeping our dogs cool and comfortable in the summer heat is all about striking the perfect balance between outdoor fun and strategic cooling solutions. And with the incredible products from BigMouth, I feel like I’ve finally cracked the code.

From the durable dog splash pool to the refreshing cooling mats and the endlessly entertaining water sprinkler, this pet line has truly transformed my backyard into a veritable canine paradise. I can’t wait to spend countless hours this summer splashing, sprinting, and snuggling with my pups, all while keeping them safe, hydrated, and blissfully cool.

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your swimsuit, slather on some sunscreen, and let’s get ready to make a big ol’ splash with our four-legged friends. Trust me, they’ll be wagging their tails and thanking you for it!

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